Lyngby Lyngby Vase Burgundy Glass
64,95 52,00
Lyngby Lyngby Vase Smoke Glass
Lyngby Lyngby Vase Clear Glass
Lyngby Lyngby Vase Amber Glass
Lyngby Lyngby Vase Midnight Blue Glass
Lyngby Lyngby vase Olive Green
Lyngby Lyngby Vase Copenhagen Green Glass
44,95 35,95
The Danish Porcelain Manufactory – Lyngby Porcelæn (1936–1969) has always made a significant mark on the story of Danish porcelain in artistry and production alike. When production was at its peak, the factory accounted for one-third of all Danish porcelain production. The people who established the Danish Porcelain Manufactory in a disused sugar refinery in Lyngby in 1936 were truly driven souls! The entrepreneurial wholesale company Holst & Knudsen was behind its establishment, having first acquired Kjøbenhavns Porcellains Maleri in 1924, subsequently setting up in-house production of porcelain dinnerware, vases and other high-quality artisan pieces under the name of the Danish Porcelain Manufactory – Lyngby Porcelæn. The factory was equipped with the latest technology, taking Lyngby Porcelæn to the forefront of the industry and simultaneously laying the groundwork for the design heritage that is now more relevant than ever.
The factory closed down in 1969, but managed to make a significant mark on Danish design history with its unique and distinctive designs, many of which live on to this day. As exemplified by the signature design Lyngby vase, classic craftsmanship unites with advanced production techniques to form a DNA in every product that nurtures functionality and true beauty.
In 2012, the Danish Porcelain Manufactory – Lyngby Porcelæn rose again and is today behind the relaunch of the iconic designs, now recreated with the utmost care and respect for the design heritage.
At the same time, the Danish Porcelain Manufactory – Lyngby Porcelæn discovers and highlights new designs and new creative talents, and so continues to write the story of one of Denmark’s most innovative porcelain companies.